
Name: Robert Gemmell


Robert%20Sleap's Recent Comments
May 5, 2012 5:40 pm Maybe its because I'm not reading batman but this is definitely my favorite book of the 52 (issue 5 left me in TEARS with just how beautiful it was) Now that he has finished that first arc of brainiac and the origin we can start to see what a Grant Morrison superman anthology with license to do crazy stuff like hoping to another world for a one off issue. I LOVED the concept of this issue but thought that the writing was a bit heavy handed. I don't think it would have been out of place to put an * with a box in the corner saying "SUPERGODS by grant Morrison, available wherever books are sold!!" As for the back up, I thought it was a fun little elsewords story "What if Superman was the President...and black" Superman-23 is black Wonderwoman-23 is black Why is Cyborg-23 not white?
May 5, 2012 3:54 pm HIS NAME WAS PHIL!
April 26, 2012 11:35 am it's easy to say that but i thtink hat was kind of the point. Moon Knight went to LA because he didn't feel like he fit in with the avengers. He thought he was too crazy, but since he is still a regular person beneath his mental issues he manifested working wtih the avengers as imaginary friends. The ending worked because Moon Knight got what his true goal was, making connections with real people. I'm still trying to figure out if the Spider man and Captian america personalities are still "dead" and his subconscious is now the Ironman/Echo/Wolverine threesome. I saw Wolverine, spidey, and cap as the id, ego, and super ego respectivly, so I'm not sure how this new dynamic will work for him. This series will probably be the only reason i will buy whatever "Rise of Ultron" is
April 26, 2012 11:30 am Also, say what you will about the guy but Moonknight is the only marvel superhero I can think of that can pull off a cape.
April 26, 2012 11:28 am Marvels big time project, Moonknight, daredevil, punisher All 3 books have HUGE names behind theme. All 3 books focus on "B-list" street level characters with little to no actual superpowers. All 3 books have gotten glowing reviews. All 3 books cost 2.99- wait a minute...hmmm... Why do you think was this the one that got cancelled?